Are you really living life?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Opportunity to Live Calling

This morning I was faced with my first opportunity to really live life - or not - since making my commitment to live every day.

Before I go any further I should make a confession - I love to sleep. Given the choice between food, sex and is tempting, but sleep is at the top of my list. So when my phone woke me with a familiar "ching" this morning indicating I had received a text message, I was not jumping out of bed looking for an opportunity to live. No, I was wanting to roll over and pull the covers over my head.

Responsibility got the better of me - after all, somebody must be hurt or ill to need me at this hour of the morning. The text was from a friend and mentor that I had not seen in about a year. It read: "Passing through town this morning. Would love to get together for breakfast."

A menu of possible excuses zipped through my mind as I struggled to think of a way to get another couple hours of sleep. I had finally settled on an appropriate excuse and snuggled deeper into the warmth of my bed when I realized I was passing up an opportunity to live. That realization was all it took. I got up and went to breakfast with my friend. We had a wonderful time and it turned out to be a beautiful way to start the day.

I didn't hesitate to see my friend because I dislike her company. On the contrary, I love spending time with her and I admire her a great deal. As hard as it is to admit, the issue was simply laziness. I didn't want to get up early.

There are many obstacles to living life. Today the obstacle for me was laziness. Living life is a constant choice. Don't let laziness or any other obstacles keep you from living today. Don't waste a single moment. LIVE and love every minute of it.

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