Are you really living life?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year's Resolution

I'm not really big on New Year's Resolutions. I think about them every year and sometimes I take a stab at actually writing them down. My resolutions usually revolve around the usual - losing weight, exercising or eating a healthier diet, but this year is different.

This year, I plan to simply.... live. That may sound a little strange to many of you. After all my heart is obviously beating, my brain is firing and my lungs are breathing or I probably wouldn't be able to write these words. So, what do I mean?

Have you ever caught yourself wishing for a day/week/month/semester/year to pass more quickly? Ever find yourself bored with life? Ever find yourself dreaming of the great life you will finally be able to live when meet that special someone/lose a certain number of pounds/get the perfect job/earn a certain amount of money?

Unfortunately, I am guilty of thinking all those things at one point in my life or another. In each of those moments, I was wasting the precious gift of life. This year I choose to live - to enjoy every single moment of the life I have been given. Life is a fleeting gift and at the end of my days, I want everyone to know that I lived each day to the fullest; I loved those around me to the best of my ability; and I cherished every moment with all my heart.

I hope you will join me on this journey. Some days will be more difficulty than others, but together we can do it. Let's not waste another day on regrets of the past and dreams of a future that may or may not materialize. Let's live today as if it were the last day of our lives and the best day of our lives because who may be.

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